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Empowering Parents in our
Failing Schools
Civilization 2.0, 3.0, and BeyondSeries
What can parents do about the failing schools in the United States? The high cost of public schools produces low achievement levels of learning. Bullying, gang violence, the presence of illegal drugs, the pedophile culture, the sexualization of young students, and indoctrination plague schools around the country.
When schools fail, parents should be empowered to have decision-making authority to improve the education of their own children. Children do not belong to the “state.” Parental sovereignty over their own children is a basic human right. In this book we look at:
-The difference between indoctrination and knowledge acquisition
-The nature of knowledge acquisition
-Needed changes to empower parents
-Guiding Parental Principles
-Ancient Knowledge Acquisition
-The Role of artificial intelligence (AI) in learning
-The dangers children face in public schools
-and more…
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